Lifestyle changes that correct hormone imbalance...
• Change your diet by eating organic foods that contain no growth hormones. Also, eat foods from whole grains (corn, brown rice, oats, unsweetned granola).
As much as you can, eliminate non-organic dairy products, beef and chicken that contain growth hormones and antibiotics. Learn more about nutrition for women.
• The best breads are whole-grain breads - choose brands without added sugar. Seeds and nuts are good sources of protein.
• Avoid foods like cola drinks, chocolate, alcohol, hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream, candy, pizza. These foods may give you quick energy, but they give you very few nutrients, and you probably will end up having a craving for one or more of these foods.
• Many diets are deficient in phytoestrogens, which are found in fiber-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables. Buy ORGANIC fruits and vegetables from small farmers if it is available in your area. It is better for you and, it has less pesticides and herbicides!
• Cold-water fish and seafood are important in women's diet (salmon, tuna, mackerel, cod). Cold water fish is a good source of protein and of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Most fish oils are good for arthritis symptoms, they help lower cholesterol and thin the blood.
• A regular daily regimen of at least 30–45 minutes of brisk walking, bicycling, using your treadmill or any other fitness equipment or even working around the house or yard will improve your health. Review the list of benefits of exercise and weight loss.
• Do not use plastic containers to microwave your food, and try to avoid storing your food in plastic containers. Plastics are made from petrochemicals (xenoestrogens) that generally have a very potent estrogen-like activity and thus are toxic.
• Buying a good water filter is recommended to eliminate chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals and other toxic substances found in tap water. Read more on the health benefits of using water filters. And you will be surprised how much better filtered water will taste as compared to regular tap water.
Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010
Jumaat, 29 Januari 2010
tibe-tibe kna tag...hohoho
ooh adakah ini paksa rela? iyo lah aku buat pnstoberi yer...pelan2 aku cuba jwb & cari idea utk sume soklan itu...huhuhu...lgpon dah lama aku x update ini blog...gara2 aku bz?? meniaga dlm cafe world...
(aku salah kan ida & pzah sbb soh aku join msk2 dlm cafe world...ahahah)
ida, kalo ada jwpn yg sama /lbey kuang/ nak dkat sama tu ko jgn mare arr...sbb aku pon punye pndpt yg sama mcm apa yg ko rasa...huhuhu
1) Orang yang baik adalah
-mcm aku! sbb email aku sejak dulu smpai skrg ialah budakbaik10...ahahah
2) Sahabat selalunya
-akan membantu antara 1 sama lain di saat kita susah dan senang
3) Mencintai adalah
-suatu perasaan jujur & ikhlas menyayangi seseorang
4)Putus cinta bila
-errr aku x pnah putus cinta tahap frust menonggeng...
5) Duit buat saya tiba-tiba jadi
-giler, boros & tamak haloba...ahahah
6) Saya rindu
-pd suami ku, mak abah & adik2...
7) Cara saya menunjukkan kasih sayang
-ooh beza2 laa ikut 'level' diorg...ahahha...jgn ckp aku pilih kasih plak...
8) Bila saya dikhianati
-smpai mati aku akan igt manusia tu...kecuali dia mintak maaf (sbb kdg2 aku ni lembut ati org nyer)
9) Saya pilih bunga apabila
-kalau diberi pilihan antara bunga dan pasu bunga...ahahah
10) 3 org yg ingin saya katakan i love u setiap hari adalah
-suami ku, mak & abah ku...
11) Waktu saya 13 tahun, saat paling tak dapat dilupakan
-kna tinggal serumah ngn nenek+atuk+mak sedare+abg spupu...pengalaman yg paling x besh sbb 1st time berjauhan dgn mak abah & adik2...tiap2 minggu menangis suruh dtg amik nak balik klang...huhuhu
12) Waktu saya 21 tahun, saat paling tak dapat dilupakan.
-emm dlm umo ni ada byk peristiwa penting;
4 ogos 2001 konvo...(tarikh ni paling igt sbb 4 ogos juga tp taun 2004 tarikh aku confirm keje kat LKIM)
pastu bln oktober dpt lesen P kereta...hohoho...(tarikh tepat x dpt diingati sbb kad lesen P dah ilang)
dlm umo ni juga aku telah jd tukang msk beger mcDonalds...hohoho
13) Saya menangis bila
-hati ku tersentuh & Libra ni agak sensitif...huhuuhu
14) cantik pada kacamata saya
-indah pd paras rupa,tutur kata dan peribadinya...
15)Tak ada yang paling menggembirakan saya kecuali
-kesemua insan tersayang ku sehat sejahtera selalu
-duit dlm bank x luak2...ahahah
16) Jika saya boleh ubah sesuatu, ia adalah
-nak salin kulit lah...oh jgn ckp aku x bersyukur kurniaan Tuhan tp aku dah jemu ada jrawat di kala umo dah 30 ni...oh benci skali...
17)Jika saya sentiasa tersenyum, itu tandanya
-Saya gumbira & senang hati...
18) 3 org penting dalam hidup saya
-suami ku Shah Rull bin Sulaiman
-emak ku Asmahrum binti Mat
-abah ku Ibrahim bin Gandan
19) Jika saya ada RM1 juta, saya berikan kepada (selain dari yang 3 di atas)
-buat amal jariah (of course la kan kang x berkat plak...ahahha), belanja adik2 shopping smpai nak tercabut kaki & paling utama sesi terapi jiwa yg paling berkesan ialah MEMBELI MAKE UP KASUT & BAJU...ahahah
20)Jika saya ingin berjaya
-Usaha tangga kejayaan!...tiada lain selain drpd usaha & tawakal yer kwn2...
21)Warna yang memberikan inspirasi
22) Duit bukan segala-galanya tetapi
-Segala-galanya perlukan duit (aku terpaksa tiru ayat ida sbb aku pon akur dgn fakta itu)
23)Saat paling menyedihkan pernah saya lalui adalah
-bila hati ini menangis tiada siapa yg nak amik tau...
24) Saya gembira kerana
-dpt apa yg kita nak
25) Dan saya bersedih kerana
-dah usaha sehabis baik pon x tercapai lg...aduuhh
26) Jika saya tak dapat cinta si dia, maka saya
-berdoa agar dpt yg lbey baik yg lbey bagus dr si dia
27) Perkara yang paling indah telah saya lakukan semalam adalah
-semlm? emm...xde apa yg menarik la semlm...semlm ptg singgah JJ terbli 'super blender' berharga rm299...sejak bujang lg aku dah berangan nak dpt mende alah ni...akhirnya dpt juga...senyum smpai ke rumah, trus x sabar2 nak buat smoothies kat umah...ahahha
28) Jika saya boleh menulis sebuah buku, tajuknya adalah
-"Ketidakstabilan Hormon Dan Kesannya" (waa mcm doktor plak)
29) Sebelum saya pergi buat selama-lamanya, saya ingin
-mintak ampun & maaf pd semua..sob sob sob T_T
30)Selepas melakukan 30 soalan ini saya rasa
-penin gak aku nak memikirkan setiap jwpn yg logik dan diterima akal...huhuhu...
ida...cpat belanja aku mkn KFC...(eh aku bleh ke mkn ayam skrg ni?...ahahah) haar aku nak pizza laa...dgn sedaya upaya aku menjwb tag ni tauu....hohoho
Selasa, 19 Januari 2010
Skin Vitamins
Skin vitamins are essential for healthy, youthful and glowing skin.
We all are aware of the fact the vitamins have amazing results on our skin. Vitamin enriched diet including fruits, vegetables, milk products and salads are best vitamins for skin. If sufficient amount of vitamins are not consumed, it results in dry, brittle and scaly skin.
We are living in a world where we experience excess of environmental stress on our skin along with various internal physiological stresses. Vitamins can help to fight various kinds of stress and prevent skin damage in terms of dryness, pigmentation, wrinkles, aging and acne.
Vitamins and skin care methods work in synergy.
This is because when we eat adequate amount of vitamins, we can feel a healthy and shimmering skin but when we avoid nutritious foods, our body becomes deficient in vitamins and causes skin damage. Vitamins that help the skin such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C and Vitamin D are the true vitamins for your skin. You can also use vitamin supplements for skin care.
Some of the most common categories and functions of skin care vitamins are as follows:
Vitamins That Help the Skin
Best vitamin for skin is Vitamin C that works to produce a smoother, firmer, healthier and younger skin. Other vitamins for the skin are Vitamin D, Vitamin A and Vitamin B.
Vitamin D aids in prevention of premature aging of skin whereas Vitamin A helps to strengthen the protective tissues. Vitamin A also controls the production of acne, reduces sebum production and removes free radicals from the body.
Vitamin B, especially Vitamin B 3, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 are essential for fighting acne and maintaining healthy and glowing skin tone. These are the vitamins to improve skin.
Vitamins for Clear Skin
Clear skin vitamins mainly include Vitamin A, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Vitamin A reduces the production of acne and results in a clear skin.
Vitamin B5 is mostly applied in the form of lotion containing 20% pantothenic acid for a healthier skin. Vitamin B6 improves hormonal balance and Vitamin C supports the immune system and promotes skin healing. Vitamin E with its antioxidant properties protects the skin from free radicals damage and offers a clear skin. These vitamins are also known as acne skin vitamins.
Itchy Skin Vitamins
Vitamins to help skin improve the itching sensation are Vitamin B and Vitamin A.
Vitamin B, mainly biotin is the major cause that manifests the itching sensation in the skin and leads to various other skin damage as well.
Skin Rash Vitamins
Skin rashes are mainly defined as skin inflammations. Antioxidant properties of vitamin c help in preventing skin rashes and maintain a healthy and smooth skin. Vitamin C is actually a good vitamin for the skin.
Vitamins for Beautiful Skin
Vitamins for great skin prevent skin from various skin damages. Potato skin vitamins are one of the best vitamins for skin care as these contain the most essential skin vitamin known as Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant and helps in prevention of cellular deterioration, which consequently results in a beautiful skin to be loved and admired.
On and often, a waving question pops up in people's mind, 'what are the real vitamins for better skin'? The answer to this is simple. Any vitamin containing antioxidants are the best vitamins for skin as the antioxidants fight free radicals responsible for aging, acne and various other skin ailments. Hence forth, the role of vitamins in skin care is beyond definition and words.
We all are aware of the fact the vitamins have amazing results on our skin. Vitamin enriched diet including fruits, vegetables, milk products and salads are best vitamins for skin. If sufficient amount of vitamins are not consumed, it results in dry, brittle and scaly skin.
We are living in a world where we experience excess of environmental stress on our skin along with various internal physiological stresses. Vitamins can help to fight various kinds of stress and prevent skin damage in terms of dryness, pigmentation, wrinkles, aging and acne.
Vitamins and skin care methods work in synergy.
This is because when we eat adequate amount of vitamins, we can feel a healthy and shimmering skin but when we avoid nutritious foods, our body becomes deficient in vitamins and causes skin damage. Vitamins that help the skin such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C and Vitamin D are the true vitamins for your skin. You can also use vitamin supplements for skin care.
Some of the most common categories and functions of skin care vitamins are as follows:
Vitamins That Help the Skin
Best vitamin for skin is Vitamin C that works to produce a smoother, firmer, healthier and younger skin. Other vitamins for the skin are Vitamin D, Vitamin A and Vitamin B.
Vitamin D aids in prevention of premature aging of skin whereas Vitamin A helps to strengthen the protective tissues. Vitamin A also controls the production of acne, reduces sebum production and removes free radicals from the body.
Vitamin B, especially Vitamin B 3, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 are essential for fighting acne and maintaining healthy and glowing skin tone. These are the vitamins to improve skin.
Vitamins for Clear Skin
Clear skin vitamins mainly include Vitamin A, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Vitamin A reduces the production of acne and results in a clear skin.
Vitamin B5 is mostly applied in the form of lotion containing 20% pantothenic acid for a healthier skin. Vitamin B6 improves hormonal balance and Vitamin C supports the immune system and promotes skin healing. Vitamin E with its antioxidant properties protects the skin from free radicals damage and offers a clear skin. These vitamins are also known as acne skin vitamins.
Itchy Skin Vitamins
Vitamins to help skin improve the itching sensation are Vitamin B and Vitamin A.
Vitamin B, mainly biotin is the major cause that manifests the itching sensation in the skin and leads to various other skin damage as well.
Skin Rash Vitamins
Skin rashes are mainly defined as skin inflammations. Antioxidant properties of vitamin c help in preventing skin rashes and maintain a healthy and smooth skin. Vitamin C is actually a good vitamin for the skin.
Vitamins for Beautiful Skin
Vitamins for great skin prevent skin from various skin damages. Potato skin vitamins are one of the best vitamins for skin care as these contain the most essential skin vitamin known as Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant and helps in prevention of cellular deterioration, which consequently results in a beautiful skin to be loved and admired.
On and often, a waving question pops up in people's mind, 'what are the real vitamins for better skin'? The answer to this is simple. Any vitamin containing antioxidants are the best vitamins for skin as the antioxidants fight free radicals responsible for aging, acne and various other skin ailments. Hence forth, the role of vitamins in skin care is beyond definition and words.
Khamis, 14 Januari 2010
Part 2 ~ Endometriosis Diet
copy from here
Some of the positive physical changes that take place when we change our diet, will at first not seem reliant on our food intake, but they are. For example, eating the right kinds of foods can:
•sharpen our mental alertness
•help us to stop feeling so sluggish
•give us more energy
•regulate sleep patterns
•regulate bowel movements
•balance blood sugar levels
•regulate metabolism
•regulate body weight
•control hyperactivity - especially in children
We are very much a reflection of what we eat. When someone has a diet loaded in fats, the first place it will show up is in their complexion, with greasy, sallow skin. When we are constipated, an Iridologist (alternative health practitioner specializing in diagnosis using the iris of the eye) will immediately see this in the lack-lustre appearance of the eyes. With a lack of vital nutrients in our system, the body will eventually give you tell-tale signs.
The diet in modern day western society has become depleted of vital nutrients for many reasons. Intensive farming has robbed the soil of vital trace elements which used to be taken up by the crops as they grew, and in turn we consumed them. We rely so much on convenience foods now, which are very low in goodness. Much of our ‘fresh’ produce like fruit and vegetables, is actually gassed and then stored in warehouses for months.
Many of us eat ‘fast food’, which is not very nutritious - the longer that food is left standing in a heated serving cabinet, the less nutritious value it has. People get lazy, they cannot be bothered to shop for valuable ingredients, yet alone cook good wholesome food anymore.
Scientists, health researchers and others have now found that the lower your food intake, with fewer calories and proteins, the longer you will live. We simply do not need the food intake that we have in the West.
What the body needs is a simple, balanced, preferably organic diet, which is prepared using fresh ingredients, and is viewed as our means of sustenance rather than being viewed as ‘something to stop us being hungry’. We do have many problems and issues surrounding food in the West, with anorexia, comfort eating, and many other eating disorders. Food is also used in many social situations, but this is no excuse for not being able to feed yourself with good food when you are at home.
Food is our fuel, it makes us function, grow, replace worn out cells, gives us energy, and feeds the entire body. Food is the secondary requirement to life, with oxygen being the first basic requirement. More important than food is our daily requirement for water. We need lots of it; plain, fresh water. Yet most people only drink a small proportion of what the body really needs.
But going back to food; it provides us with energy. The foods we take in include:
•carbohydrates, which provide the chief source of energy for bodily functions and muscular exertions
•fats, which are the most concentrated form of energy. Three fatty acids, are essential in the diet because the body cannot make them itself.
•proteins, which are the building blocks in food, the construction materials for growth and repair of cells
•fibre, indigestible parts of plants which provides roughage and aids digestion
•vitamins and minerals - the organic substances which the body cannot make, but which it requires in small amounts to maintain health
Controlled Diet for Endometriosis
Controlling your diet to help you deal with Endometriosis is an excellent starting point. As I have said earlier, we really are a reflection of what we eat, and the body responds very quickly to what is put inside it. Let me emphasize that point thus:
•Look how radically altered we become by too much alcohol - which can happen very quickly
•A Sumo wrestler is not born large - they eat themselves large
•Body builders do build up their bodies with power/weight lifting, but they also use a high protein diet to back it up
•Drink too much coffee and you have a caffeine rush
•Travel to another area and you may get upset by the change in water consumption
•When we are hungry, many of us suffer that awful drowsy blood sugar drop; eat something and we can pick up again very quickly
So the body is very sensitive to what is put in it, and sometimes that sensitivity is quick to show up. Unfortunately other sensitivities are not noticed and will creep up on us, which is when we suffer from dietary deficiencies and a lack of trace elements. There are times when our body gives us clues that we have a deficiency and we start to have cravings for certain types of foods.
The role of a controlled diet in Endometriosis management has proved exceedingly beneficial for many women. Some women have even been able to be totally symptom free with changes in diet. The plan of the endo diet is to relieve or prevent some of the disabling symptoms that occur with menstruation, as well as the general pain of endo. The goal is to decrease estrogen levels, stabilize hormones, increase energy, alleviate painful cramps and stabilize emotions.
Some women are achieving great health improvements by following a diet to address Candida yeast infection. By following the Candida diet these women are seeing improvements with their Endometriosis. There is speculation that there are links between Candida and Endometriosis.
A diet for Candida is very similar to a diet regime to help with Endometriosis, which is probably why these women are getting good results from a diet for Candida.
There are the ‘good guys’ and the ‘bad guys’ of the prostaglandin group. The goal of a controlled diet is to block the ‘bad guys’ for their negative actions on the body, and increase the ‘good guys’ for their opposite and beneficial actions. The action of the bad guys is to increase uterine contractions, and the good guys have a soothing effect. By changing the types of oils that are taken into the diet, the production of the good guys can be stimulated, which helps with uterine relaxation. These oils are composed of omega-3 fatty acids, which lead to positive prostaglandin production. Excellent sources of the omega-3 fatty acid producing oils are:
•evening primrose
•Walnut oil
•flax seeds/oil
It is also important to decrease intake of those fatty acids that will stimulate the bad guys which are found in saturated fats, butter, animal and organ meat, lard.
In addition to decreasing bad fat intake, the diet should also consist of high fiber. Not only does this help with good digestion, but it is also thought that a diet high in fiber can decrease total circulating estrogens. It is recommended to incorporate 25 grams per day of fibre. Good sources are:
•whole grains excluding wheat and rye
•beans, peas and pulses
•brown rice
•vegetable and fruits
The following foods are recommended to modulate estrogen levels by incorporating one or two servings a day:
•mustard greens
•wheat * - this includes breads, cakes and pasta products, all based on wheat
•red meats - promotes negative prostaglandins
•refined and concentrated carbohydrates - bread, flour, cakes made from refined flours
•refined sugars and honey - causes inflammatory reaction
•alcohol - consumes vit B stored in the liver
•caffeine which is found in tea, coffee, soft drinks -increases abdominal cramps and increases estrogen level
•chocolate - as it contains sugars
•dairy produce including all milk and cheese - inflammatory
•fried food, margarine and hydrogenated fats - can stimulate negative prostaglandins
•soy products and soy protein products - tamari can be used in small amounts
•tinned and frozen packaged foods as little as possible
•additives and preservatives - increase chemical load on the system
Note: Meat, dairy and eggs, promote the pro-inflammatory prostaglandins.
•beans, peas, lentils
•garlic (raw or lightly cooked)
•carrots (contain beta-carotene)
•live yogurt (good for healthy intestinal flora)
•seeds and sprouted seeds
•green tea
Foods containing natural plant sterols (phytoestrogens) can be helpful. They are thought to block the estrogen receptors, so in turn excess estrogen in the body cannot ‘lock-in’ to these receptors. These include:
•peas, beans and pulses
•red and purple berries
•brassicas: cabbage, cauliflower etc
•nuts and seeds
•celery, carrots
Although the best source of vitamins and minerals is through a well balanced diet, many foods today are depleted in these vital trace elements. Today, most of us need to supplement our diet with some of the vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to function optimally.
The following is a list of supplements that will help women with Endometriosis:
•Magnesium - is a mineral and is believed to ease cramping with menstruation
•Zinc - is essential for enzyme activity, helping cells to reproduce which will help with healing. Zinc is also reported to boost the immune system and helping to create an emotional sense of well-being
•Calcium - levels of calcium in menstruating women decrease 10 to 14 days before the onset of menstruation. Deficiency may lead to muscle cramps, headache or pelvic pain.
•Iron - women with Endometriosis tend to have very heavy periods which can lead to an iron deficiency. This can lead to anemia which is characterized by extreme fatigue and weakness.
•B vitamins - these are important for the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the body. B vitamins are reported to improve the emotional symptoms of Endometriosis, and have proved helpful in dealing with PMT
•Vitamin C - is well known for helping to boost the immune system and help provide resistance to disease. It is also used in the body to build and maintain collagen within the body.
•Vitamin A - is another immune system booster
•Vitamin E - plays an important role by increasing oxygen carrying capacities and also strengthens the immune system
•Selenium - when taken together with vitamin E has been reported to decrease inflammation associated with Endometriosis, as well as immune system booster.
•Certain vegetables have substances that activate liver enzymes and help the liver to detoxify chemicals. This allows the liver to eliminate excess estrogen from the body more effectively. These vegetables include: broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts.
•Auto immune diseases are thought to be triggered by free-radicals in the body, which could be an added factor in Endometriosis. Free radicals are destructive molecules and are found naturally in the body but can be made worse by pollution, stress, illness and smoking. There are minerals and vitamins that will help to fight off these free-radicals because of their antioxidant properties, including: vitamins A,C,E, CoQ10, selenium, vitamin B complex, as well as specific supplements being sold specifically as Antioxidants.
•It is very common for women with Endometriosis to suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I used to suffer from it myself, and it took quite a while to define which foods would trigger it off. These triggers can vary from one woman to another. Even simple things like drinking a hot drink when it was too hot would trigger it off in me. You need to really pay attention as to what your own subtle triggers are, as well as which foods will set it off.
•increase omega-3 fatty acids
•avoid meat, dairy products, wheat and sugar
•increase fiber
•modulate estrogen
•avoid caffeine and alcohol
•avoid refined foods, e-numbers, additives
•minimize or avoid soy products as they contain high levels of phytoestrogens, and soy contains a particular toxin which seems to be particularly detrimental for women with Endometriosis
•peel fruit and vegetables to remove toxic chemicals
•eat organic produce wherever possible
•drink lots of filtered or mineral water
Recipes for the Endometriosis Diet
If you are to change your diet to help deal with Endometriosis then there will be many changes in the foods you can and cannot eat.
As you can see by the advice above, there are many foods you are advised to leave out of your diet completely, especially if you are to reap the benefits.
The prospect of adjusting your diet so radically may seem somewhat daunting. You may be wondering and concerned about:
•what on earth you are going to eat - mountains of plain vegetables, piles of fruit, gallons of plain water
•how do you have variety in your diet
•how do you find recipes which are still enjoyable and tasty, but still suitable fo a diet for Endometriosis
•how do you plan meals so that you do not become utterly bored with your diet
Endometriosis - Diet and Nutrition
Diet changes can help reduce the symptoms of endometriosis
Changing your diet to deal with Endometriosis is an excellent foundation to assist you in reducing the symptoms, and will help regenerate your health.
Adjusting what you eat can bring about many positive physical and metabolic changes, as well as improving our health. Many of you may be aware that various illnesses and diseases have responded very positively to changes in diet, and Endometriosis is no exception.
Some of the positive physical changes that take place when we change our diet, will at first not seem reliant on our food intake, but they are. For example, eating the right kinds of foods can:
•sharpen our mental alertness
•help us to stop feeling so sluggish
•give us more energy
•regulate sleep patterns
•regulate bowel movements
•balance blood sugar levels
•regulate metabolism
•regulate body weight
•control hyperactivity - especially in children
We are very much a reflection of what we eat. When someone has a diet loaded in fats, the first place it will show up is in their complexion, with greasy, sallow skin. When we are constipated, an Iridologist (alternative health practitioner specializing in diagnosis using the iris of the eye) will immediately see this in the lack-lustre appearance of the eyes. With a lack of vital nutrients in our system, the body will eventually give you tell-tale signs.
The diet in modern day western society has become depleted of vital nutrients for many reasons. Intensive farming has robbed the soil of vital trace elements which used to be taken up by the crops as they grew, and in turn we consumed them. We rely so much on convenience foods now, which are very low in goodness. Much of our ‘fresh’ produce like fruit and vegetables, is actually gassed and then stored in warehouses for months.
Many of us eat ‘fast food’, which is not very nutritious - the longer that food is left standing in a heated serving cabinet, the less nutritious value it has. People get lazy, they cannot be bothered to shop for valuable ingredients, yet alone cook good wholesome food anymore.
Scientists, health researchers and others have now found that the lower your food intake, with fewer calories and proteins, the longer you will live. We simply do not need the food intake that we have in the West.
What the body needs is a simple, balanced, preferably organic diet, which is prepared using fresh ingredients, and is viewed as our means of sustenance rather than being viewed as ‘something to stop us being hungry’. We do have many problems and issues surrounding food in the West, with anorexia, comfort eating, and many other eating disorders. Food is also used in many social situations, but this is no excuse for not being able to feed yourself with good food when you are at home.
Food is our fuel, it makes us function, grow, replace worn out cells, gives us energy, and feeds the entire body. Food is the secondary requirement to life, with oxygen being the first basic requirement. More important than food is our daily requirement for water. We need lots of it; plain, fresh water. Yet most people only drink a small proportion of what the body really needs.
But going back to food; it provides us with energy. The foods we take in include:
•carbohydrates, which provide the chief source of energy for bodily functions and muscular exertions
•fats, which are the most concentrated form of energy. Three fatty acids, are essential in the diet because the body cannot make them itself.
•proteins, which are the building blocks in food, the construction materials for growth and repair of cells
•fibre, indigestible parts of plants which provides roughage and aids digestion
•vitamins and minerals - the organic substances which the body cannot make, but which it requires in small amounts to maintain health
Controlled Diet for Endometriosis
Controlling your diet to help you deal with Endometriosis is an excellent starting point. As I have said earlier, we really are a reflection of what we eat, and the body responds very quickly to what is put inside it. Let me emphasize that point thus:
•Look how radically altered we become by too much alcohol - which can happen very quickly
•A Sumo wrestler is not born large - they eat themselves large
•Body builders do build up their bodies with power/weight lifting, but they also use a high protein diet to back it up
•Drink too much coffee and you have a caffeine rush
•Travel to another area and you may get upset by the change in water consumption
•When we are hungry, many of us suffer that awful drowsy blood sugar drop; eat something and we can pick up again very quickly
So the body is very sensitive to what is put in it, and sometimes that sensitivity is quick to show up. Unfortunately other sensitivities are not noticed and will creep up on us, which is when we suffer from dietary deficiencies and a lack of trace elements. There are times when our body gives us clues that we have a deficiency and we start to have cravings for certain types of foods.
The role of a controlled diet in Endometriosis management has proved exceedingly beneficial for many women. Some women have even been able to be totally symptom free with changes in diet. The plan of the endo diet is to relieve or prevent some of the disabling symptoms that occur with menstruation, as well as the general pain of endo. The goal is to decrease estrogen levels, stabilize hormones, increase energy, alleviate painful cramps and stabilize emotions.
Some women are achieving great health improvements by following a diet to address Candida yeast infection. By following the Candida diet these women are seeing improvements with their Endometriosis. There is speculation that there are links between Candida and Endometriosis.
A diet for Candida is very similar to a diet regime to help with Endometriosis, which is probably why these women are getting good results from a diet for Candida.
Let's start with pain and hormones in relation to diet …………
Endometriosis is an estrogen-sensitive condition, but the painful menstrual cramping that occurs is predominantly due to prostaglandin synthesis in the body. Prostaglandins are naturally occurring fatty acids, which are derived from dietary sources. The body can produce different types of prostaglandins through a complex series of pathways. There are the ‘good guys’ and the ‘bad guys’ of the prostaglandin group. The goal of a controlled diet is to block the ‘bad guys’ for their negative actions on the body, and increase the ‘good guys’ for their opposite and beneficial actions. The action of the bad guys is to increase uterine contractions, and the good guys have a soothing effect. By changing the types of oils that are taken into the diet, the production of the good guys can be stimulated, which helps with uterine relaxation. These oils are composed of omega-3 fatty acids, which lead to positive prostaglandin production. Excellent sources of the omega-3 fatty acid producing oils are:
•evening primrose
•Walnut oil
•flax seeds/oil
It is also important to decrease intake of those fatty acids that will stimulate the bad guys which are found in saturated fats, butter, animal and organ meat, lard.
In addition to decreasing bad fat intake, the diet should also consist of high fiber. Not only does this help with good digestion, but it is also thought that a diet high in fiber can decrease total circulating estrogens. It is recommended to incorporate 25 grams per day of fibre. Good sources are:
•whole grains excluding wheat and rye
•beans, peas and pulses
•brown rice
•vegetable and fruits
The following foods are recommended to modulate estrogen levels by incorporating one or two servings a day:
•mustard greens
•wheat * - this includes breads, cakes and pasta products, all based on wheat
•red meats - promotes negative prostaglandins
•refined and concentrated carbohydrates - bread, flour, cakes made from refined flours
•refined sugars and honey - causes inflammatory reaction
•alcohol - consumes vit B stored in the liver
•caffeine which is found in tea, coffee, soft drinks -increases abdominal cramps and increases estrogen level
•chocolate - as it contains sugars
•dairy produce including all milk and cheese - inflammatory
•fried food, margarine and hydrogenated fats - can stimulate negative prostaglandins
•soy products and soy protein products - tamari can be used in small amounts
•tinned and frozen packaged foods as little as possible
•additives and preservatives - increase chemical load on the system
Note: Meat, dairy and eggs, promote the pro-inflammatory prostaglandins.
•beans, peas, lentils
•garlic (raw or lightly cooked)
•carrots (contain beta-carotene)
•live yogurt (good for healthy intestinal flora)
•seeds and sprouted seeds
•green tea
Foods containing natural plant sterols (phytoestrogens) can be helpful. They are thought to block the estrogen receptors, so in turn excess estrogen in the body cannot ‘lock-in’ to these receptors. These include:
•peas, beans and pulses
•red and purple berries
•brassicas: cabbage, cauliflower etc
•nuts and seeds
•celery, carrots
Although the best source of vitamins and minerals is through a well balanced diet, many foods today are depleted in these vital trace elements. Today, most of us need to supplement our diet with some of the vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to function optimally.
The following is a list of supplements that will help women with Endometriosis:
•Magnesium - is a mineral and is believed to ease cramping with menstruation
•Zinc - is essential for enzyme activity, helping cells to reproduce which will help with healing. Zinc is also reported to boost the immune system and helping to create an emotional sense of well-being
•Calcium - levels of calcium in menstruating women decrease 10 to 14 days before the onset of menstruation. Deficiency may lead to muscle cramps, headache or pelvic pain.
•Iron - women with Endometriosis tend to have very heavy periods which can lead to an iron deficiency. This can lead to anemia which is characterized by extreme fatigue and weakness.
•B vitamins - these are important for the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the body. B vitamins are reported to improve the emotional symptoms of Endometriosis, and have proved helpful in dealing with PMT
•Vitamin C - is well known for helping to boost the immune system and help provide resistance to disease. It is also used in the body to build and maintain collagen within the body.
•Vitamin A - is another immune system booster
•Vitamin E - plays an important role by increasing oxygen carrying capacities and also strengthens the immune system
•Selenium - when taken together with vitamin E has been reported to decrease inflammation associated with Endometriosis, as well as immune system booster.
•Certain vegetables have substances that activate liver enzymes and help the liver to detoxify chemicals. This allows the liver to eliminate excess estrogen from the body more effectively. These vegetables include: broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts.
•Auto immune diseases are thought to be triggered by free-radicals in the body, which could be an added factor in Endometriosis. Free radicals are destructive molecules and are found naturally in the body but can be made worse by pollution, stress, illness and smoking. There are minerals and vitamins that will help to fight off these free-radicals because of their antioxidant properties, including: vitamins A,C,E, CoQ10, selenium, vitamin B complex, as well as specific supplements being sold specifically as Antioxidants.
•It is very common for women with Endometriosis to suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I used to suffer from it myself, and it took quite a while to define which foods would trigger it off. These triggers can vary from one woman to another. Even simple things like drinking a hot drink when it was too hot would trigger it off in me. You need to really pay attention as to what your own subtle triggers are, as well as which foods will set it off.
•increase omega-3 fatty acids
•avoid meat, dairy products, wheat and sugar
•increase fiber
•modulate estrogen
•avoid caffeine and alcohol
•avoid refined foods, e-numbers, additives
•minimize or avoid soy products as they contain high levels of phytoestrogens, and soy contains a particular toxin which seems to be particularly detrimental for women with Endometriosis
•peel fruit and vegetables to remove toxic chemicals
•eat organic produce wherever possible
•drink lots of filtered or mineral water
Recipes for the Endometriosis Diet
If you are to change your diet to help deal with Endometriosis then there will be many changes in the foods you can and cannot eat.
As you can see by the advice above, there are many foods you are advised to leave out of your diet completely, especially if you are to reap the benefits.
These main foods are:
All red meats, wheat and wheat products, sugar, all dairy products, caffeine, additives and allrefined and convenience foods.The prospect of adjusting your diet so radically may seem somewhat daunting. You may be wondering and concerned about:
•what on earth you are going to eat - mountains of plain vegetables, piles of fruit, gallons of plain water
•how do you have variety in your diet
•how do you find recipes which are still enjoyable and tasty, but still suitable fo a diet for Endometriosis
•how do you plan meals so that you do not become utterly bored with your diet
There are many wonderful recipes you can use, and the hard work has been done for you.
Part 1 ~ Endometriosis Diet
copy from here
Endometriosis Diet
While there are various medical treatments for endometriosis available, as well as surgical ones, many women have found that changing their diet can help to effectively manage their symptoms. In some cases, dietary changes may be enough to help you live your life symptom free.
Why Change the Diet?
Making changes to your diet when you have endometriosis is not just about easing the signs of endometriosis. Following a healthier diet and eliminating those foods that aggravate your symptoms will not only help to reduce your estrogen levels, but it will also contribute to normalizing your hormone levels and it can even stabilize your emotions.
•Whole grains
•Fruits and vegetables
•Brown Rice
There are many benefits to consuming omega-3 fatty acids. In addition to helping your over physical and mental health, though, omega-3s have also been found to promote the production of PGE1. Some good sources of omega-3s include:
•Flaxseeds and oil
•Pumpkin seeds
•Oily fish (i.e. salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel)
•Sunflower oil
•Evening primrose oil
•Fortified foods
While dairy is an important part of a balanced diet, as dairy is an excellent source of calcium, women with endometriosis may benefit from minimizing their consumption of dairy products. Dairy can contribute to stimulating the production of prostaglandins, thereby worsening your symptoms. If you are planning to eliminate dairy from your diet, it is important to find other sources of calcium in order to meet your daily intake requirement of 1000mg/day. Alternative sources of calcium can include:
•Dark green vegetables (i.e. spinach, broccoli, bok choy and kale)
•Calcium fortified tofu
•Sesame seeds
•Salmon and sardines
•Other food items fortified with calcium, like orange juice
Animal meat, though a good source of protein, is another food source that can aggravate your symptoms. In particular, meat, as well as lard which comes from animal fat, is known to promote PGF2a, so reducing your consumption may be helpful. To ensure you still have adequate protein intake, though, try incorporating some of these protein-rich foods into your diet:
•Nuts (i.e. pecans, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, chestnuts)
•Seeds (i.e. sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, flaxseeds)
Other Foods to Avoid
In general, there are a number of foods that women with endometriosis are advised to avoid.
•Caffeine (i.e. coffee, tea)
•Saturated fats
•Butter and margarine
•Drinks and foods with a high sugar content
•Refined carbohydrates (i.e. pasta, bread, cakes, pastries)
•Fried foods
Endometriosis Diet
While there are various medical treatments for endometriosis available, as well as surgical ones, many women have found that changing their diet can help to effectively manage their symptoms. In some cases, dietary changes may be enough to help you live your life symptom free.
Why Change the Diet?
Making changes to your diet when you have endometriosis is not just about easing the signs of endometriosis. Following a healthier diet and eliminating those foods that aggravate your symptoms will not only help to reduce your estrogen levels, but it will also contribute to normalizing your hormone levels and it can even stabilize your emotions.
Similar to the candida diet, which helps people dealing with recurrent vaginal thrush infections, an endometriosis diet aims to eliminate those foods that encourage your symptoms while increasing those foods that lower your prostaglandins. Prostaglandins, which are stimulated by estrogen, are the hormones responsible for those painful cramps you feel during menstruation as well as possibly menorrhagia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea that you may also experience.
Prostaglandins actually break down into three different forms: prostaglandin E1 (PGE1); prostaglandin E2 (PGE2); and prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a). While PGE1 can help alleviate endometriosis symptoms, PGE2 contributes to menorrhagia and PGF2a to vomiting, nausea and diarrhoea. Together, PGE2 and PGF2a produce the immense period pain women with endometriosis must deal with. However, by changing your diet, it is possible to block PGE2 and PGF2a while encouraging the production of PGE1 to help your symptoms.
We all know that diets high in fibre are helpful to digestion and keeping the bowels working. However, fibre may also reduce the levels of estrogen circulating in your system. Some good sources of fibre include:
•Whole grains
•Fruits and vegetables
•Brown Rice
There are many benefits to consuming omega-3 fatty acids. In addition to helping your over physical and mental health, though, omega-3s have also been found to promote the production of PGE1. Some good sources of omega-3s include:
•Flaxseeds and oil
•Pumpkin seeds
•Oily fish (i.e. salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel)
•Sunflower oil
•Evening primrose oil
•Fortified foods
While dairy is an important part of a balanced diet, as dairy is an excellent source of calcium, women with endometriosis may benefit from minimizing their consumption of dairy products. Dairy can contribute to stimulating the production of prostaglandins, thereby worsening your symptoms. If you are planning to eliminate dairy from your diet, it is important to find other sources of calcium in order to meet your daily intake requirement of 1000mg/day. Alternative sources of calcium can include:
•Dark green vegetables (i.e. spinach, broccoli, bok choy and kale)
•Calcium fortified tofu
•Sesame seeds
•Salmon and sardines
•Other food items fortified with calcium, like orange juice
Animal meat, though a good source of protein, is another food source that can aggravate your symptoms. In particular, meat, as well as lard which comes from animal fat, is known to promote PGF2a, so reducing your consumption may be helpful. To ensure you still have adequate protein intake, though, try incorporating some of these protein-rich foods into your diet:
•Nuts (i.e. pecans, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, chestnuts)
•Seeds (i.e. sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, flaxseeds)
Other Foods to Avoid
In general, there are a number of foods that women with endometriosis are advised to avoid.
•Caffeine (i.e. coffee, tea)
•Saturated fats
•Butter and margarine
•Drinks and foods with a high sugar content
•Refined carbohydrates (i.e. pasta, bread, cakes, pastries)
•Fried foods
Furthermore, while soy products are often touted as a great alternative to meat, they may not be ideal for those with endometriosis, who are sensitive to estrogen. Some of the isoflavones found in non-fermented soy products have been known to disrupt and interfere with certain tissues, especially in women sensitive to estrogen. Limiting your consumption of soy products that are not fermented to two to three times a week or less is best.
Also, keep in mind that every woman is different. It is very likely that you may have specific foods, like tomatoes or hot drinks, that aggravate your symptoms. Paying attention to how your body reacts to certain foods will help you understand better which foods to eliminate during menstruation.
Finally, in order for women to have healthy diets, it may be necessary to use supplements to make sure you are getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals. If your periods are exceptionally long and/or heavy, you may want to discuss with your doctor using iron supplements to guard against iron deficiency or anemia.
The endometriosis diet should diminish your endometriosis symptoms; and for those looking to lose weight, changing your eating habits to minimize endometriosis symptoms should minimize your waistline as well, since maintaining a healthy balance and cutting out bad-for-you foods is central to both!
Apa itu Laparoskopi ??
Pemeriksaan Laparoskopi
Ini adalah satu pemeriksaan untuk melihat secara terus ke dalam perut wanita melalui sejenis teropong yang digelar laparoskop. Teropong ini dimasukkan melalui satu hirisan sepanjang setengah inci di bawah pusat dan menerusi teropong ini doktor boleh melihat keadaan ovari, salur fallopian dan sekeliling rahim. Jika terdapat sesuatu penyakit yang menimbulkan masalah bagi kesuburan wanita, rawatan yang sewajarnya perlu diberi.
Pemeriksaan laparoskopi adalah sangat penting kerana memang terdapat penyakit seperti ketumbuhan dan jangkitan kuman yang tidak memberi sebarang tanda, boleh dikesan melalui teropong tersebut. Antara jenis penyakit yang selalu tumbuh ialah sejenis ketumbuhan yang digelar endometriosis. Penyakit ini kerapkali mengganggu pengeluaran benih dan ia juga menyekat saluran peranakan. Mengikut kajian kita, kejadian penyakit ini kian meningkat. Ini mungkin disebabkan oleh lebih ramai wanita zaman sekarang yang melambatkan perkahwinana ataupun menangguhkan kehamilan dan kelahiran anak. Wanita yang pernah mengalami keguguran sama ada secara sengaja atau tidak, kerapkali juga dijangkiti oleh kuman khususnya pada bahagian saluran peranakan. Saluran peranakan boleh menjadi rosak dan tersumbat. Ketumbuhan juga boleh berlaku pada kilang ovari dan ini boleh mengganggu pengeluaran benih. Sesetengah penyakit yang dikesan ketika pemeriksaan `laparoskopi' dirawat pada masa itu juga tetapi ini adalah terhad. Kadangkala, rawatan selanjutnya perlu dilakukan dengan satu pembedahan besar untuk mengatasi masalah saluaran tersumbat ataupun untuk mengeluarkan ketumbuhan pada rahim atau ovari. Untuk melakukan pemeriksaan laparoskopi, wanita berkenaan perlulah dimasukkan ke hospital, biasanya selama dua malam. Dia akan dibius bagi menjalani pemeriksaan ini.
Di Pusat Pakar Kesuburan LPPKN, pemeriksaan laparoskopi kerap dilakukan dengan tidak perlu wanita tersebut bermalam di wad. Mereka hanya perlu datang ke pusat tersebut pada sebelah pagi dan boleh pulang pada hari yang sama.
Isnin, 11 Januari 2010
hari itu dan 11 januari ini...
tiada apa yg menarik yg nak di story kan berkenaan 11 januari ini...tiada mkn2 special, tiada gift, tiada wish, tiada kiss, tiadaaa....
kita berkongsi sebuah lirik lagu yg menarik dan punye kenangan pd aku suatu ketika dahulu...
11 Januari bertemu
Menjalani kisah cinta ini
Naluri berkata engkaulah milikku
Bahagia selalu dimiliki
Bertahun menjalani bersamamu
Ku nyatakan bahwa engkaulah jiwaku
Akulah penjagamu
Akulah pelindungmu
Akulah pendampingmu
Di setiap langkah-langkahmu
Pernahku menyakiti hatimu
Pernah kau melupakan janji ini
Semua karena kita ini manusia
Akulah penjagamu
Akulah pelindungmu
Akulah pendampingmu
Di setiap langkah-langkahmu
Kau bawa diriku
Kedalam hidupmu
Kau basuh diriku
Dengan rasa sayang
Senyummu juga sedihmu adalah hidupku
Kau sentuh cintaku dengan lembut
Dengan sejuta warna
Ahad, 10 Januari 2010
di ambil dr sini
MULA-MULA, anda berasa sakit pada bahagian tengah perut atau sekitar pusat yang menyerang selang beberapa jam atau dua hingga tiga kali sehari.
Tidak lama kemudian, kesakitan berpindah dari tengah perut ke bahagian bawah abdomen kanan. Kesakitan menjadi semakin bertambah kuat dari semasa ke semasa terutamanya jika anda bergerak, batuk atau berjalan.
Sekiranya anda memberikan tekanan lembut ke bahagian terbabit, ia mungkin akan terasa sakit. Apabila anda melepaskan tekanan itu dengan pantas, kesakitan selalunya terasa teruk. Tekak juga terasa mual disusuli muntah-muntah dan demam.
Lazimnya, pesakit kelihatan kerap duduk sambil membongkok bagi menahan kesakitan yang dialami. Kesakitan mungkin berkurangan jika anda berbaring pada sebelah badan dan menarik lutut ke arah dada anda.
Bagaimanapun, budaya boleh tahan sakit sebegini merupakan cara hidup tidak sihat dan berbahaya.
Macam pernah dengar? Atau, anda mungkin mengalaminya sendiri. Kemungkinan besar anda mengalami apa yang dinamakan sebagai apendisitis.
Boleh dikatakan 90 peratus gejalanya adalah bersifat straight forward seperti di atas. Baki 10 peratus berupa gejala yang bukan klasikal yang tenggelam timbul bertahun-tahun lamanya.
Apendisitis merupakan keradangan pada apendiks vermiform iaitu struktur kecil berbentuk cacing yang terjulur keluar dari usus kanan.
Tiada siapa yang tahu apakah fungsinya yang sebenar. Apa yang pasti, kita boleh hidup tanpa apendiks. Namun, tidak bermakna jika apendiks tidak mempunyai apa-apa peranan di dalam sistem pencernaan kita, ia tidak mendatangkan apa-apa masalah.
Pakar Runding Bedah, ColumbiaAsia Medical Centre, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Dr. Abd. Hamid Mat Sain menyifatkan apendisitis sebagai kecemasan perubatan yang memerlukan pembedahan serta merta bagi membuang apendiks.
“Jika dibiarkan tanpa rawatan, apendiks yang mengalami keradangan akan pecah (tembus atau berlubang) lalu melimpahkan najis yang penuh dengan bakteria ke dalam kaviti abdomen.
“Ini akan menyebabkan peritonitis, keradangan serius pada lapisan kaviti abdomen (peritoneum) yang boleh mendatangkan komplikasi kegagalan organ serta maut,’’ kata beliau.
Menurutnya, apendisitis menggemari `mangsa’ yang lebih muda sekitar belasan tahun, baik lelaki mahupun perempuan. Bayi dan kanak-kanak juga tidak terkecuali malah ia merupakan kes kecemasan abdomen yang paling kerap terjadi di kalangan mereka.
Punca sebenar penyakit apendisitis tidak diketahui. Bagaimanapun, ada beberapa faktor yang boleh dikaitkan dengannya seperti benda keras yang tersangkut di pangkal apendiks seperti najis, sisa-sisa makanan seperti biji-bijian dan, batu karang.
Kadang-kala, terdapat penyakit-penyakit lain seperti ketumbuhan pada bahagian usus kanan dekat pangkal apendiks. Paling kerap ditemui adalah kanser usus.
Walaupun faktor ini boleh dikatakan jarang tetapi ia ditemui dari semasa ke semasa terutamanya di kalangan pesakitberumur 40 tahun ke atas.
“Sebab itulah, ada kes-kes tertentu di mana pembedahan membuang apendiks yang sepatutnya berjalan selama setengah jam berlanjutan selama lebih dua jam setelah doktor terpaksa memotong usus kerana menemui kanser.
“Masalahnya, kanser usus di peringkat awal tidak memberi apa-apa rasa sakit. Selalunya, pesakit mengetahui mengenainya apabila keadaan sudah teruk, terasa sakit dan berdarah,’’ katanya.
Bagi orang dewasa 40 tahun ke atas, doktor lazimnya mengesyaki mereka yang datang dengan gejala di atas menghidapi apendiks. Selain itu, doktor juga akan syak mereka menghidapi kanser usu, polip dan tibi usus.
Lain-lain faktor mungkin disebabkan oleh jangkitan seperti jangkitan virus gastrousus atau mungkin juga berpunca daripada lain-lain jenis keradangan.
“Sekiranya tidak ada sesuatu yang menyekat apendiks, radang yang berlaku mungkin tidak kuat dan boleh dirawat dengan ubat-ubatan seperti ubat penahan sakit dan antibiotik,’’ kata Dr. Abd Hamid.
Bukan semua pesakit menunjukkan gejala. “Adalah sukar untuk mendiagnosis apendisitis kerana kesakitan di tengah perut memang biasa berlaku dan banyak persamaan dengan lain-lain penyakit seperti penyakit gastrik.
“Bagi pesakit perempuan, apendisitis lebih rumit dan kompleks disebabkan sifat jantina ini yang mempunyai banyak organ re-roduksi berdekatan apendiks seperti ovari dan tiub fallopio,’’ kata Dr. Abd. Hamid.
Doktor akan melakukan pemeriksaan fizikal ke atas perut anda dengan menekan sedikit bahagian yang sakit.
Ujian darah dan sinar X juga mungkin dilakukan bagi memastikan tiada penyakit lain yang menyerupai simptom-simptom apendisitis.
Pembedahan apendektomi merupakan satu-satunya rawatan yang telah bermula sejak 100 tahun lampau.
“Sebelum itu, pesakit bagaikan menerima hukuman mati kerana apendiks yang tidak dikeluarkan sama ada akan bertukar menjadi gangren atau pecah - menyebabkan keracunan darah.’’
Menerusi pembedahan apendektomi secara terbuka, apendiks yang panjangnya 5 hingga 10 cm akan dibuang pada peringkat pangkal.
Luka torehannya adalah di antara 3 hingga 5 sentimeter, bergantung kepada tahap kegemukan atau obesiti pesakit.
“Kini, kita mempunyai teknik terkini yang dinamakan laparoskopi dengan beberapa kelebihan terutamanya bagi pesakit yang obes.
“Sebanyak tiga torehan dibuat yang setiap satunya berukuran di antara 5mm hingga 10 mm sahaja,’’ kata Dr. Abd. Hamid.
Katanya, bagi sesetengah kes yang menyerupai apendisitis di mana apendisitis masih belum pasti, doktor menggunakan kaedah laparoskopi untuk membuat diagnosis.
“Memandangkan apendisitis berpotensi pecah dan mengancam nyawa pesakit, pesakit yang disyaki mengalami apendisitis selalunya akan dibedah sekali pun sebelum disahkan menghidap penyakit itu.’’ katanya.
Selain parut yang kecil dan tidak menghodohkan (kriteria yang biasanya lebih diambil berat oleh pesakit perempuan), penyembuhan menggunakan pembedahan apendektomi laparoskopi juga adalah lebih cepat.
Tempoh tinggal di hospital juga adalah lebih singkat iaitu di antara satu ke dua hari sahaja berbanding pembedahan terbuka yang lebih kompleks iaitu lima hari ke seminggu bagi apendisitis yang telah pecah.
Pun begitu, pembedahan apendektomi secara terbuka masih kekal sebagai gold standard di dalam rawatan apendisitis.
Beliau turut menjelaskan, setiap pesakit mempunyai apendisitis yang berbeza-beza di antara satu sama lain.
“Apendisitis yang melekat (kronik atau berlaku secara berulang) atau yang telah pecah lebih sukar dibedah,
“Selain memotong apendiks, rongga abdomen pesakit yang dipenuhi nanah dan najis juga akan dicuci,’’ ujar beliau.
*Penjagaan selepas pembedahan
Umumnya, pesakit yang bakal menjalani rawatan harus bercuti selama kira-kira dua minggu hingga sebulan dari pekerjaannya.
Tempohnya lebih pendek di antara satu hingga dua minggu sekiranya prosedur laparoskopi digunakan.
Pesakit akan diberikan ubat antibiotik dan penahan sakit manakala rawatan susulan satu atau dua kali sahaja.
Ditanya sama ada apensitis boleh berulang semula sekali pun setelah dibedah, Dr. Abd. Hamid menjelaskan, ia boleh berlaku sekiranya pangkal apendiks tidak berjaya ditemui semasa pembedahan sebelumnya.
MULA-MULA, anda berasa sakit pada bahagian tengah perut atau sekitar pusat yang menyerang selang beberapa jam atau dua hingga tiga kali sehari.
Tidak lama kemudian, kesakitan berpindah dari tengah perut ke bahagian bawah abdomen kanan. Kesakitan menjadi semakin bertambah kuat dari semasa ke semasa terutamanya jika anda bergerak, batuk atau berjalan.
Sekiranya anda memberikan tekanan lembut ke bahagian terbabit, ia mungkin akan terasa sakit. Apabila anda melepaskan tekanan itu dengan pantas, kesakitan selalunya terasa teruk. Tekak juga terasa mual disusuli muntah-muntah dan demam.
Lazimnya, pesakit kelihatan kerap duduk sambil membongkok bagi menahan kesakitan yang dialami. Kesakitan mungkin berkurangan jika anda berbaring pada sebelah badan dan menarik lutut ke arah dada anda.
Bagaimanapun, budaya boleh tahan sakit sebegini merupakan cara hidup tidak sihat dan berbahaya.
Macam pernah dengar? Atau, anda mungkin mengalaminya sendiri. Kemungkinan besar anda mengalami apa yang dinamakan sebagai apendisitis.
Boleh dikatakan 90 peratus gejalanya adalah bersifat straight forward seperti di atas. Baki 10 peratus berupa gejala yang bukan klasikal yang tenggelam timbul bertahun-tahun lamanya.
Apendisitis merupakan keradangan pada apendiks vermiform iaitu struktur kecil berbentuk cacing yang terjulur keluar dari usus kanan.
Tiada siapa yang tahu apakah fungsinya yang sebenar. Apa yang pasti, kita boleh hidup tanpa apendiks. Namun, tidak bermakna jika apendiks tidak mempunyai apa-apa peranan di dalam sistem pencernaan kita, ia tidak mendatangkan apa-apa masalah.
Pakar Runding Bedah, ColumbiaAsia Medical Centre, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Dr. Abd. Hamid Mat Sain menyifatkan apendisitis sebagai kecemasan perubatan yang memerlukan pembedahan serta merta bagi membuang apendiks.
“Jika dibiarkan tanpa rawatan, apendiks yang mengalami keradangan akan pecah (tembus atau berlubang) lalu melimpahkan najis yang penuh dengan bakteria ke dalam kaviti abdomen.
“Ini akan menyebabkan peritonitis, keradangan serius pada lapisan kaviti abdomen (peritoneum) yang boleh mendatangkan komplikasi kegagalan organ serta maut,’’ kata beliau.
Menurutnya, apendisitis menggemari `mangsa’ yang lebih muda sekitar belasan tahun, baik lelaki mahupun perempuan. Bayi dan kanak-kanak juga tidak terkecuali malah ia merupakan kes kecemasan abdomen yang paling kerap terjadi di kalangan mereka.
Punca sebenar penyakit apendisitis tidak diketahui. Bagaimanapun, ada beberapa faktor yang boleh dikaitkan dengannya seperti benda keras yang tersangkut di pangkal apendiks seperti najis, sisa-sisa makanan seperti biji-bijian dan, batu karang.
Kadang-kala, terdapat penyakit-penyakit lain seperti ketumbuhan pada bahagian usus kanan dekat pangkal apendiks. Paling kerap ditemui adalah kanser usus.
Walaupun faktor ini boleh dikatakan jarang tetapi ia ditemui dari semasa ke semasa terutamanya di kalangan pesakitberumur 40 tahun ke atas.
“Sebab itulah, ada kes-kes tertentu di mana pembedahan membuang apendiks yang sepatutnya berjalan selama setengah jam berlanjutan selama lebih dua jam setelah doktor terpaksa memotong usus kerana menemui kanser.
“Masalahnya, kanser usus di peringkat awal tidak memberi apa-apa rasa sakit. Selalunya, pesakit mengetahui mengenainya apabila keadaan sudah teruk, terasa sakit dan berdarah,’’ katanya.
Bagi orang dewasa 40 tahun ke atas, doktor lazimnya mengesyaki mereka yang datang dengan gejala di atas menghidapi apendiks. Selain itu, doktor juga akan syak mereka menghidapi kanser usu, polip dan tibi usus.
Lain-lain faktor mungkin disebabkan oleh jangkitan seperti jangkitan virus gastrousus atau mungkin juga berpunca daripada lain-lain jenis keradangan.
“Sekiranya tidak ada sesuatu yang menyekat apendiks, radang yang berlaku mungkin tidak kuat dan boleh dirawat dengan ubat-ubatan seperti ubat penahan sakit dan antibiotik,’’ kata Dr. Abd Hamid.
Bukan semua pesakit menunjukkan gejala. “Adalah sukar untuk mendiagnosis apendisitis kerana kesakitan di tengah perut memang biasa berlaku dan banyak persamaan dengan lain-lain penyakit seperti penyakit gastrik.
“Bagi pesakit perempuan, apendisitis lebih rumit dan kompleks disebabkan sifat jantina ini yang mempunyai banyak organ re-roduksi berdekatan apendiks seperti ovari dan tiub fallopio,’’ kata Dr. Abd. Hamid.
Doktor akan melakukan pemeriksaan fizikal ke atas perut anda dengan menekan sedikit bahagian yang sakit.
Ujian darah dan sinar X juga mungkin dilakukan bagi memastikan tiada penyakit lain yang menyerupai simptom-simptom apendisitis.
Pembedahan apendektomi merupakan satu-satunya rawatan yang telah bermula sejak 100 tahun lampau.
“Sebelum itu, pesakit bagaikan menerima hukuman mati kerana apendiks yang tidak dikeluarkan sama ada akan bertukar menjadi gangren atau pecah - menyebabkan keracunan darah.’’
Menerusi pembedahan apendektomi secara terbuka, apendiks yang panjangnya 5 hingga 10 cm akan dibuang pada peringkat pangkal.
Luka torehannya adalah di antara 3 hingga 5 sentimeter, bergantung kepada tahap kegemukan atau obesiti pesakit.
“Kini, kita mempunyai teknik terkini yang dinamakan laparoskopi dengan beberapa kelebihan terutamanya bagi pesakit yang obes.
“Sebanyak tiga torehan dibuat yang setiap satunya berukuran di antara 5mm hingga 10 mm sahaja,’’ kata Dr. Abd. Hamid.
Katanya, bagi sesetengah kes yang menyerupai apendisitis di mana apendisitis masih belum pasti, doktor menggunakan kaedah laparoskopi untuk membuat diagnosis.
“Memandangkan apendisitis berpotensi pecah dan mengancam nyawa pesakit, pesakit yang disyaki mengalami apendisitis selalunya akan dibedah sekali pun sebelum disahkan menghidap penyakit itu.’’ katanya.
Selain parut yang kecil dan tidak menghodohkan (kriteria yang biasanya lebih diambil berat oleh pesakit perempuan), penyembuhan menggunakan pembedahan apendektomi laparoskopi juga adalah lebih cepat.
Tempoh tinggal di hospital juga adalah lebih singkat iaitu di antara satu ke dua hari sahaja berbanding pembedahan terbuka yang lebih kompleks iaitu lima hari ke seminggu bagi apendisitis yang telah pecah.
Pun begitu, pembedahan apendektomi secara terbuka masih kekal sebagai gold standard di dalam rawatan apendisitis.
Beliau turut menjelaskan, setiap pesakit mempunyai apendisitis yang berbeza-beza di antara satu sama lain.
“Apendisitis yang melekat (kronik atau berlaku secara berulang) atau yang telah pecah lebih sukar dibedah,
“Selain memotong apendiks, rongga abdomen pesakit yang dipenuhi nanah dan najis juga akan dicuci,’’ ujar beliau.
*Penjagaan selepas pembedahan
Umumnya, pesakit yang bakal menjalani rawatan harus bercuti selama kira-kira dua minggu hingga sebulan dari pekerjaannya.
Tempohnya lebih pendek di antara satu hingga dua minggu sekiranya prosedur laparoskopi digunakan.
Pesakit akan diberikan ubat antibiotik dan penahan sakit manakala rawatan susulan satu atau dua kali sahaja.
Ditanya sama ada apensitis boleh berulang semula sekali pun setelah dibedah, Dr. Abd. Hamid menjelaskan, ia boleh berlaku sekiranya pangkal apendiks tidak berjaya ditemui semasa pembedahan sebelumnya.
Rabu, 6 Januari 2010
Facebook la pulakkk...
akhirnyaaa aku ter kena jgak dmam Facebook (FB) nii...sblom ni ramai dah kwn2 aku yg suruh bkak FB...aku pon x tau nak update apa dlm FB, sbb aku leka layan blog jer (tu pon x smpai setaun jagung aku terjebak ke dlm kancah blog mlog nii...ahahah) tibe2 hari ni aku telah menjerumuskan diri ke dlm dunia FB...
sblom ni aku suka tgk minah tu main cafe world...pastu si ida reen tu plak cite psl ke-syiok-an nyer 'meniaga' cafe world dia THE MAIN REASON aku join FB ni ialah nak mnjadi neighbour kpd mereka2 ini...ahahah...
walo apa pun aku tetap & masih tidak akan dpt menandingi mereka2...kerana mereka telah ber level2 jauh nyer dr x pelah! aku suka tgk cafe2 diorg ni...cantik2...
Isnin, 4 Januari 2010
my kitchen cabinet - after 18 days
18/12/2009-04/01/2010 tempoh masa KC ku siap...hohohoh
(dan dlm tempoh itu aku cuti msk2...yeaayy...ahahah)
ni la hasil nyer KC ku yg x seberapa itu...huhuhu
RM7550...termasuk hob+hood, plumbing, wiring & tiles
ada byk benda lg nak di touch up tu...peti ais x bwk masuk lg, langsir nak di psg semula, pinggan mangkuk sudu mudu cawan2 nak disusun, brg2 msk & stok makanan masih tersimpan dlm bilik 'stor'...lantai nak di basuh lg skali...
adehhh penattt tuuu...ada sesape nak buat part time jd cleaner kat umah aku ker? uhuk uhuk uhuk...
Ahad, 3 Januari 2010
cyleina organic soap
ngeh ngeh ngeh...ptg td slamat dah aku mmbeli ini sabun...
bukan 1 TAPI 3...hohohoho...
ni kalo x abis di muka, di bdn la aku sental yer...ahahha...
apa kebaikan sabun ni??
Cyleina only uses the finest and most natural ingredients in the creation of healthy soaps and they assures that the quality is always the best for your skin! Cyleina Soaps are free of paraben preservatives & soap hardeners.
Sabun CYLEINA adalah sabun yang 100% organik.
Dihasilkan dari bahan-bahan semulajadi yang TERBAIK.
Satu produk yang HEBAT!
ni la 3 jenis sabun cyleina yg aku bli...kojic, tomato & rice bran...
Kojic soap is a powerful anti-oxidant with pure natural whitening agents, this triple action skin whitening soap ensures a clear, smooth, even toned complexion. It helps repair existing skin damage, preventing wrinkles that are signs of sking ageing, and improve the overall condition of the skin leaving it more vibrant, healthier and glowing.
Kojic acid was discovered as a natural product derived from a mushroom in Japan. This is considered a very important ingredient in cosmetics because of its medicinal properties. It has been successfully used to lighten pigment spots and skin discoloration and considered as a popular inhibitor of melamin.
At present, it is used in various kinds of cosmetic therapies for pimples, freckles, acne, sunburn, eczema, skin blemishes and other skin problems.
Made from red and ripe organically grown tomatoes. This soap counters oily skin by absorbing surplus oil. The tonic benefits of tomato deeply cleanses and tightens the pores. Alpha-Hydroxy Acids found in tomato helps get rid of pimples and acne through its gentle exfoliating action and this also results to getting your cheeks a rosy hue and your body a fair glow!
Tomato Soap contains rich tomato extract that is rich in AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids)which fights the formation of wrinkles. Especially formulated for those who have oily skin with large pores. it also peels dead skin cells and speeds up cell renewal. great for drying acne.
Recommendation: Oily skin with big pores and pimples-prone skin.
Good with skin allergies, disinfects pimples due to rice bran's antiseptic properties, smoothens the texture of your skin and exfoliates dead skin cells making you totally skin confident! A source of vitamin E complex, antioxidants and other micronutrients to help fight free radicals and combat the effects of aging. Rice bran's natural enzyme will helps to dissolve dead skin & blemishes, while retaining moisture. Rice Bran Treatment Bar is best for skin allergies with anti-bacterial, whitening, and deodorizing properties.
This is one of the best soaps you could ever try! See results & feel it working as early as the first day of use. Guaranteed to exceed your expectations!
Topline benefits
•Whitens Skin Tone Instantly
•Lightens Dark Spots & Pimple Scars
•Effective in Lightening Underarms and Inner Thights
•Heals Skin Allergies & Disinfects Pimples
•Exfoliates Dead Skin Cells & Smoothens the Texture of Your Skin
bukan 1 TAPI 3...hohohoho...
ni kalo x abis di muka, di bdn la aku sental yer...ahahha...
apa kebaikan sabun ni??
Cyleina Organic Soaps
Cyleina only uses the finest and most natural ingredients in the creation of healthy soaps and they assures that the quality is always the best for your skin! Cyleina Soaps are free of paraben preservatives & soap hardeners.
It utilize whole or organic herbs, organic jasmine rice, aromatherapy grade pure essential oils and exotic nut and fruit oils such as organic rice bran, and grapeseed or rich, nourishing butters such as organic shea, organic cocoa and honey, which add vital moisturizing properties to the characteristically creamy, luxurious lather of our organic soaps.
This explains why your skin just feels amazing after each use.Cyleina assures you that you always feel that way because CYLEINA IS SKIN CONFIDENCE!
Dihasilkan dari bahan-bahan semulajadi yang TERBAIK.
Satu produk yang HEBAT!
ni la 3 jenis sabun cyleina yg aku bli...kojic, tomato & rice bran...
Kojic soap is a powerful anti-oxidant with pure natural whitening agents, this triple action skin whitening soap ensures a clear, smooth, even toned complexion. It helps repair existing skin damage, preventing wrinkles that are signs of sking ageing, and improve the overall condition of the skin leaving it more vibrant, healthier and glowing.
Kojic acid was discovered as a natural product derived from a mushroom in Japan. This is considered a very important ingredient in cosmetics because of its medicinal properties. It has been successfully used to lighten pigment spots and skin discoloration and considered as a popular inhibitor of melamin.
At present, it is used in various kinds of cosmetic therapies for pimples, freckles, acne, sunburn, eczema, skin blemishes and other skin problems.
Made from red and ripe organically grown tomatoes. This soap counters oily skin by absorbing surplus oil. The tonic benefits of tomato deeply cleanses and tightens the pores. Alpha-Hydroxy Acids found in tomato helps get rid of pimples and acne through its gentle exfoliating action and this also results to getting your cheeks a rosy hue and your body a fair glow!
Tomato Soap contains rich tomato extract that is rich in AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids)which fights the formation of wrinkles. Especially formulated for those who have oily skin with large pores. it also peels dead skin cells and speeds up cell renewal. great for drying acne.
Recommendation: Oily skin with big pores and pimples-prone skin.
Good with skin allergies, disinfects pimples due to rice bran's antiseptic properties, smoothens the texture of your skin and exfoliates dead skin cells making you totally skin confident! A source of vitamin E complex, antioxidants and other micronutrients to help fight free radicals and combat the effects of aging. Rice bran's natural enzyme will helps to dissolve dead skin & blemishes, while retaining moisture. Rice Bran Treatment Bar is best for skin allergies with anti-bacterial, whitening, and deodorizing properties.
This is one of the best soaps you could ever try! See results & feel it working as early as the first day of use. Guaranteed to exceed your expectations!
Topline benefits
•Whitens Skin Tone Instantly
•Lightens Dark Spots & Pimple Scars
•Effective in Lightening Underarms and Inner Thights
•Heals Skin Allergies & Disinfects Pimples
•Exfoliates Dead Skin Cells & Smoothens the Texture of Your Skin
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