What is Bee Pollen?
Bee pollen is a mixture of bee saliva, plant nectar and (true) pollen. It is one of the most natural products on the earth. Bee pollen is collected from the hives where the bees have gathered and stored pollen from plants in compressed pellets. Incredible nutritional and medicinal value of pollen has been well known for centuries.
Why to drink Camellia Bee Pollen Tea?
Camellia Bee Pollen has a high nutrition value. Camellia Bee pollen Tea successfully combines the high quality green tea with the best selected Camellia bee pollen. Drinking Camellia bee pollen tea makes you vigorous, keeps you healthy and fresh.
What are the effects of Camellia Bee pollen Tea?
Camellia Bee Pollen Tea helps in improving immunity, delaying aging, promoting blood to benefit Qi, balancing metabolism, reducing fat and lowering blood cholesterol keeping you healthy, making skin more healthy and good looking, and adjusting body hormones. That also can promote sleep and relieve tiredness, benefit spirit to make brain healthy and improve your appetite.
1. Food supplement with different kinds of nutrients
2. Improve stamina, resist fatique
3. Enhance digestive system and appetite
4. Improve bllod circulation and body immune system
5. Delays aging
6. Prevents cancers and other diseases
7. Eases susceptibility to respiratory problems and asthamatic symptoms
8. Prevents vascular sclerosis
9. Enhances sexual abilties
Memperbaiki peredaran darah dan sistem daya tahan tubuh.Mengurangi gejala masalah-masalah pernafasan seperti gejala Asma. Meningkatkan fungsi seksual, menambah nafsu makan, melambatkan proses penuaan - membantu dalam kecantikan; kelangsingan. Meningkatkan tenaga – diperkaya dengan protein terutama untuk pesakit diabetes. Mengawal atur/ menstabil sistem metabolisma. Meningkat fungsi gastrousus – meningkat penyerapan zat makanan dan melegakan sembelit. Mencegah penyakit Kanser dan penyakit-penyakit lainnya. Mengurangi kencing manis serta mengawal pembentukan sel, keradangan dan pembesaran penyakit prostat.
What is special about Camellia Bee Pollen Tea?
Camellia Bee Pollen Tea is a natural healthy beverage without any harmful ingredient and side effects, which successfully eliminates the allergic factor of the pollen by selecting the most specific one that is having no allergic effects.
Camellia Pollen and high quality Chinese Tea
3g × 20 sachets / box
Place tea bag into a cup and add boiling water scald for 2 minutes before drinking. Fruit juice, honey or milk can be added in according to individual taste
1 to 2 tea bags per serve, 1 to 2 times daily.
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